Tarahumara Playground, Mexico, 2021

  • Medium: photo in frame with museum glass
  • Size: 180 x 135 cm

The members of the Tarahumara, an ancient, mysterious Indian tribe in Mexico, possess the reputation of being the best runners in the world. This due to their ancient tradition of running/walking/moving behind a homemade ball to propitiate the gods and keep their harvest going well.


Born in Chile and raised in Belgium, Hannelore is a photographer and creative entrepreneur, but above all a storyteller. In 2009, after graduating in photography, she embarked on her first assignment: Jimmy Nelson's Before They Pass Away project. For almost three years, she travelled to the most remote places on earth and assisted Nelson in capturing the last remaining indigenous tribes.

Hannelore's journey around the world to meet the last remaining indigenous tribes of the pla-neet has now resulted in her biggest undertaking to date: Human Playground, a photobook, art prints and Netflix Original documentary series about sports, culture and tradition. This unique multimedia production brings together modern and traditional spor-ten for the first time. It is a collection of the most fascinating, extreme and ancient ways people use sport to express who they are. Ultimately, the story that weaves through Human Playground is an entertaining and thought-provoking observation of a human evolutionary constant: PLAY.

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